Gardens are a form of autobiography. -Sydney Eddison

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Amazing Pumpkins

......that country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay. That country composed in the main of cellars, sub-cellars, coal-bins, closets, attics, and pantries faced away from the sun. That country whose people are autumn people, thinking only autumn thoughts. Whose people passing at night on the empty walks sound like rain...

-Ray Bradbury

There are an amazing array of pumpkins that are available thanks to the efforts of countless hardworking gardeners who labored generations to keep these beautiful heirlooms around for us to enjoy. My favorite is the Jarahdale from Australia. Perfect for ornamental autumn or Halloween displays and even better for cooking these voluptuous pumpkins will bedazzle you with their silvery bluish-grey skin, and golden to orange colored flesh which yields a mild, nutty, sweet flavor.

Check out more heirlooms here:

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